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Argentina Santa Cruz Condocliffe Hydroelectric Power Station

Date 2024.06.17

Argentina Santa Cruz Condocliffe Hydroelectric Power Station (CC) and La Barrancosa Hydroelectric Power Station (LB), the project camp, is located in Santa Cruz Province in the southern part of Argentina in South America, in the Patagonian Plateau known as the "Terroir Plateau." The CC&LB project is the largest cooperation project between the Chinese and Argentinean governments and the most significant project under construction in Argentina.

The CC&LB project is the largest cooperation project between the Chinese and Argentinean governments and the most significant project under construction in Argentina. It consists of two power plants located 65km apart on the same river, Condorcliffe (CC) and La Barrancosa (LB). With a total installed capacity of 1.31 million kilowatts, the project will generate an average of approximately 4.95 billion kWh of electricity annually upon completion, boosting Argentina's total installed power capacity by approximately 6.5%.

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This camp project was officially launched in 2018. The total building area of the CC&LB camp is about 31,582 square meters, in which Tseason flat pack granny flat products are used in the office area, accommodation area, and restrooms, and the H-steel structure is used in the kitchen and commercial recreation area (training area). This project has a tight schedule and heavy task, just in time for the new factory to put a workshop into production phase, a batch of 55 days of production and processing and factory assembly, shipment of 10.5 meters module 320, 6 meters module 140, the second and third batch of shipment of the remaining modules.

The project camp is located at 50 ° South latitude, the lowest temperature in winter can reach -20 ° C below, by the continental area of the narrow, leeward position of the Andes and the coast of the Falkland cold front and other comprehensive impact, precipitation is scarce, the region's average annual precipitation of not more than 300mm, strong winds, dust storms, the climatic conditions are relatively harsh.

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Considering the above factors, Party A requires that the modular house, including functional modules (bathroom module, staircase module), be assembled and shipped in China. At the same time, we consider the poor road conditions of sea transportation and land transportation in the destination country to carry out a certain degree of packaging and maintenance programs for the modular house.
Tseason flat pack granny flat products have endured two cold winters in South America, and all the performance indexes have reached the design requirements. Customers have praised their excellent sealing and heat preservation!

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